When it came time to choose a diaper bag (pre-baby), I researched and asked a lot of moms what they used. The resounding answer was Ju Ju Be! I went to their site and looked around and ended up choosing the BFF in Fuschia Blossoms. It is super cute and, because of the orange I think, Kodiak will carry it. My mother-in-law very kindly purchased it for me. I would recommend this to any mom, whether new or old, cloth or sposies!
Inside of the BFF empty
Inside of the "Mama Pocket" empty
Contents of the "Mama Pocket"
My large wallet, pantyliners, mint strips, contact solution, hand lotion, CJ's Lip Balm, and sunglasses.
"Mama Pocket" full
Notice there is lots of space for more!
Contents of Diaper Pocket
Planetwise Medium Wet Bag, Planetwise Wipes Pouch, 7 Flip Covers stuffed with Flip Newborn Inserts, GroVia BioLiners, CJ's BUTTer Sample, CJ's BUTTer Stick (small), Thirsties Booty Luster, extra onesie, 7 extra Flip Newborn Inserts, 2 bibs, pants, sanitizing hand wipes, 2 pairs of socks, nursing cover, burp cloth, 2 nursing pads (1 cloth, 1 disposable)
Diaper Pocket Half Full
Diaper Pocket Full
Bag Full and Closed
(Swaddle blanket tucked in bag with the included changing pad)
Ju Ju Be BFF has a stain resistant teflon fabric. It has so many pockets and pouches you won't know what to do with them! Also included are backpack straps if that is how you prefer to carry your BFF. The shoulder strap and the backpack straps are both cushioned are even stuffed completely full and heavy, didn't hurt my shoulders at all. I have been able to use this bag as an overnight or weekender bag for Jilly Bean with no issue. If only I could pack so compactly for myself!
Overall rating? ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 hearts out of 5
♥ Rissa
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Great review!!! Thanks for the detailed info and pictures. Ian trying to figure out which bag (jujube bbf OR petunia pickle bottom city carryall) to go with so thanks for a great input!